A cockier spaniel

May Updates

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s taken a little longer than usual to get this next update live. Life events, covid and technical hiccups are just some of the shenanigans I’ve had to deal with but hey thats life. Anyway the latest update to the app sees some new additions and some essential fixes to some rather pesky bugs. So lets take a quick run through of the updates.

Note: Apple users this should be automatic but some Android users may need to manually update and that is done via the Play Store.

Who’s paid

A user requested feature sees a new tab added to the dog house that gives you weekly breakdowns of your schedule with the ability to mark a specific dogs event as paid/unpaid. This will likely see a couple of additional features added to the next update but I’ll go over that in another post.

Boarding events

Boarding events now have time as well as date for both the start and end of the event as well as an additional field for extra costs. This could be useful for things like a deposit or pickup.

Client profiles

To go with boarding events there are now four additional data fields for a clients profile. These are dietary and medical requirements as well as vaccination & kennel cough dates. All of these additional fields automatically pull into a boarding event for reference. Hopefully you boarding peeps will find that handy 🙂

UI Enhancements

More of an ongoing ting where Im trying to constantly make sure the UI consistent app wide nothing major just bits and bops.

Pesky bugs

Issues with birthdays not showing the correct age are now fixed. Boarding events in a dogs event history caused some strange behaviour and sometimes crashed but this is now fixed. Finally the last and most annoying bug was the app crashing during the process of creating a custom event without and active colour selected. I know this caused one or two of you problems so Im glad to say that the issue is resolved.

Whats next?

I’ll release a post sometime soon to keep everyone up to date with whats on the horizon for DiggDawg. This update had some tough spells but thankfully we’ve powered through and got it live. I hope you find the latest enhancements useful and as always I want to say thank you to everyone for using the app and supporting DiggDawg you rock!!!

If you want to keep up to date please follow DiggDawg on Facebook.
